The perfect fit:
Short-sleeved or long-sleeved, round-neck or V-neck, all-over print or embroidered. We can do much more than just print logos on T-shirts: BRANDS Fashion creates unique and sustainable textiles just for you.
Custom-made according to your requirements
Custom fit
Loose, oversized, skinny or standard fit. Our design team works closely with you in person to determine the right styles for your team and your customers.
Materials & finishing
Cotton, blended fabric or breathable functional textiles with all-over or placement screen or 3D-prints, embroidery, badges, labels, transfers or flocking – we have the right solution for your application.
Sustainable production
Pollutant-free production, regenerative styles, sustainable materials that meet demanding certification criteria – we can guarantee you transparent supply chains as well as compliance with high social and environmental standards throughout the entire production cycle.
Strike the right note. Even with your colours.
Short-sleeved style
Classic fit with short sleeves, V-neck and placement printed label on the left side of the chest.
Style with button placket
Long-sleeved T-shirt with button placket and detailed embroidered logo on the left sleeve.
Style with all-over print
On-trend one-size short-sleeved T-shirt with a round neck and all-over print – this variant is particularly popular with our merchandise and private label customers.
Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold Level
This label confirms that all materials in a given certified product are recyclable or biologically degradable without leaving behind harmful residues. Our achievements include developing the first C2C-certified sportswear collection together with runamics as well as producing limited-edition band t-shirts for the German rock band Die Ärzte in accordance with this standard.
All products that are Cradle to Cradle Certified™ at Gold level are labelled as such. Cradle to Cradle Certified™ is a licensed product standard issued by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute.
Fairtrade Cotton
The Fairtrade cotton label guarantees stable minimum prices through the Fairtrade standards as well as a Fairtrade premium to improve the lives of cotton farmers in the long term. By buying Fairtrade-certified cotton, you are helping to ensure fair prices and good working conditions for producers in developing countries.
Fairtrade Textile Production
The Fairtrade Textile Standard aims to make textiles manufacturing socially responsible and sustainable, putting workers’ rights, freedoms and safety at the heart of the production. The supply chain of Brands Fashion products is
certified according to the textile standard.
We are continuously working to implement living wages throughout the entire supply chain.
Global Recycled Standard
Products certified to the Global RecycledStandard (GRS) contain recycled materialthat has been (independently) verified ateach stage of the supply chain, from therecycler to the final product. In addition,facilities from the recycler to final supplierhave met social, environmental, andchemical requirements. Our certificationnumber is CU 830374.
Global Organic Textile Standard
GOTS stands for Global Organic TextileStandard and guarantees the sustainableproduction of textiles, from the firsttextile production step with organicallyproduced, natural raw materials toenvironmentally and socially responsiblemanufacturing.
Grüner Knopf
The Grüner Knopf label is the first ever label issued by a government for socially and environmentally sustainable textiles marketed by responsible companies. We offer products with the seal and are therefore prepared for the requirements of the German Due Diligence Act.
OEKO-TEX® Made in Green
The OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN label confirms that a product has been manufactured from materials tested for harmful substances and under environmentally and socially friendly working conditions. Using a product ID, it also enables consumers to trace the entire supply chain.
Organic Blended Content Standard
Products certified to the Organic ContentStandard (OCS) contain organically grownmaterial that has been (independently)verified at each stage of the supply chain,from sourceto final product. Our certification numberis CU 830374.
Repreve® recycled fibres are made from plastic bottles, among other things. What’s so special about them is that your final product is fully traceable via the Fiberprint® technology, so you can verify the Repreve® fibre content.
Textiles that do their job. And yours.
Outsourced procurement
With our reliable network of close partners in production countries we offer cost-effective, rapid and flexible implementation according to individual requirements.
Transparent supply chains
From the origin of the product to the label on the final item of clothing, every step in the process of producing certified clothing is verified and can be digitally recorded and viewed using our TRACYCLE tracking tool.
Minimal footprint
Manufacturer responsibility is important! BRANDS Fashion offers tailor-made circular solutions whilst helping you to improve your carbon footprint and comply with statutory due diligence requirements.
So funktioniert unsere
Key Account Management
Wir sind für euch da! Mit individueller Produkt- und Konzeptberatung für Workwear- sowie Fashion-Kollektionen gestaltet BRANDS Fashion euren Perfect Fit. Wenn ihr wünscht, sogar für eure Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie, Webshop- und Logistiklösung.
Wir streben einen ganzheitlichen Kreislaufgedanken an: vom Einsatz nachhaltiger Materialien über die Einhaltung hoher Ökologie- und Sozialstandards in unseren Lieferketten bis zu ressourcenschonenden Verpackungen und Konzepten für Textilrecycling.
Mit Kreativität und Leidenschaft entwickelt unser Designteam eine maßgeschneiderte Kollektion, die eure Markenidentität perfekt kommuniziert – auch unter Berücksichtigung zukünftiger Recycling-Lösungen.
Mit unserem Schwesterunternehmen Triton Textiles und langjährigen Partnern in Europa sowie Fernost gewährleisten wir neben hoher Qualität die Einhaltung von Sozial- und Umweltstandards in den produzierenden Unternehmen. Kosteneffizient und zuverlässig.
Vom Entwurf bis zum Endprodukt – wir sichern höchste Qualität für eure Textilien: durch optimale Material- und Qualitätsauswahl, regelmäßigen persönlichen Austausch mit Lieferanten und die Zusammenarbeit mit unabhängigen Prüfinstituten wie Hohenstein, SGS oder TÜV.
Lager & Logistik
BRANDS Logistics bewegt – und zwar eine Menge! Bis zu 7.500 Pakete pro Tag verlassen unsere modern ausgestatteten Lagerstandorte in Ost-, Norddeutschland und den USA. Außerdem verfügen wir über Rücknahmesysteme für Recycling-Konzepte.
IT & Webshop
Mit spezifischen Lösungen inklusive Anbindung von Zahlungsdienstleistern liefern wir das Rundum-sorglos-Paket für euren unverwechselbaren Webshop.
Ihr möchtet eure Brand auf Online-Plattformen optimal platzieren und vertreiben? Kein Problem: Unser Start-up GoJungo GmbH übernimmt die komplexen und zeitaufwendigen Prozesse für euren erfolgreichen Vertrieb.
We have just the right solution for you.
Win over employees, immediately capture customers’ attention and keep fans coming back for more. Whether it’s for industry, trade or for manufacturing your own merchandise. Find out what the best solution is for your sector.
Economically, environmentally and socially responsible
We pursue a holistic sustainability strategy focused on raising awareness about responsible practices. We believe close-knit partnerships on an equal footing are a prerequisite for ensuring high standards in production.
Get your tailor-made quote.
You tell us your ideas, and we will offer you a personalised quote in no time. Get in touch now!
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