Whistleblower Area of Brands Fashion GmbH

Effective reporting mechanisms are an essential component for promoting labor and human rights. We offer employees in our supply chains, as well as other external stakeholders, the opportunity to report violations of labor, human, and environmental rights within our supply chains and thus against our declaration of compliance through the following email address. The form below or the following email address can be used for this purpose: sustainability@brands-fashion.com.

The concerns of all employees of the Brands Group are handled through the company’s internal feedback management. Additionally, internal and external stakeholders can use an external reporting office to submit violations within the scope of the Whistleblower Protection Act (§ 2 HinSchG).

Brands Fashion guarantees every whistleblower protection from reprisals and retaliation.

In case of a report, the process described here applies.

Please use the following form to submit a report: